The next year, Amitabh Bachchan's much-delayed international collaboration will finally happen, though on an unusual platform. In June 2011 the Big B will be bonding with several big international names including
Cameron Diaz who who will be part of an American-Hollywood entourage to be invited to participate at the international Bollywood event.
Says a source, "Because this time the IIFA is being held in Toronto many big names from the American movie industry are being invited to attend. Though it's early days Cameron Diaz has already said yes.
The IIFA organizers Wizcraft have already spoken to Cameron. Events are being planned to accommodate Mr Bachchan and Cameron on the same platform for several discussions on the coming together of
Bollywood and Hollywood."
Though the next IIFA awards function is a long way away and the venue (Toronto) will only be officially announced in mid-January, Sabbas Joseph, Director Wizcraft International Entertainment confirms that Toronto is
the venue for IIFA 2011.
As for Cameron Diaz's participation Sabbas says, "There are several conversations going on. No comments at this point."
Monday, December 27, 2010 13:58 IST