Bollywood director Nikhil Advani says his forthcoming Akshay Kumar-starrer "Patiala House" is about chasing one's dreams despite facing failures.
Inspired by the England cricket team's first Sikh player Monty Panesar, the movie stars Akshay as 34-year-old Parghat Singh Kahlon, a British citizen who sacrifices his dream of being a pace bowler for his autocratic father's ideals.
Life, however, takes a turn when he gets a second chance to see it getting fulfilled.
"The essence of 'Patiala House' is pursuing your dream when life gives you a second chance. In this pursuit, Akshay happens to be a cricketer, but he could've been a musician or a poet. It can be your story or mine, " Advani said in a statement.
Also starring Anushka Sharma, Rishi Kapoor and Askhay's mother-in-law Dimple Kapadia, the movie hits the screens Feb 11.
"We feel that this is a film that every Indian will be able to identify with, as almost all Indians at some point have the experience of living in a joint family, " said co-producers Mukesh Talreja and Bhushan Kumar.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011 11:34 IST