Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma is for the first time in his 14-year career launching a new star -
Delhi boy Mohit Ahlawat - in a film called "James".
"I've never done this before. Never thought I'll launch a star," tells Varma. "But this boy, when I saw him, I
thought he is superstar material.
"He has that presence."
Ahlawat will play the protagonist in "James", a film Varma called his vehicle.
"The film is about 'see Ahlawat'. Ahlawat fighting, Ahlawat dancing, Ahlawat romancing," said the
43-year-old director-producer.
The film would also be a contemporary version of "Shiva", the film that catapulted Varma to stardom more
than a decade ago.
"'James' has that rawness of 'Shiva' but obviously more stylised, more chic," said Varma. "After I met
Ahlawat, I told him, don't do anything, just sit around until I get the right script for you.
"And he actually sat around and prepared for the role for one year. During this time I got the script of
'James' ready."
"James" is being directed by one of Varma's assistants and produced by his company that he calls The
Thursday, November 11, 2004 13:40 IST