Two films-old director Rajkumar Gupta, whose latest "No One Killed Jessica" is ready to hit screens Friday, doesn't believe in
spinning sugary, sweet and unrealistic stories on celluloid.
"My first and second films are very real because I want to make films about this world. I don't want to make a film about a world
that doesn't exist. I don't want to be part of any alien world. So I don't see myself doing candyfloss stuff, " Gupta, who made a
mark with is crtically acclaimed directorial debut "Aamir", told.
"But in case of genres, I would love to explore each and every one, " he added.
"No One Killed Jessica", starring Rani Mukerji and Vidya Balan is based on model Jessica Lal's murder.
Thursday, January 06, 2011 10:52 IST