Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who recently did a cameo in actor Mohanlal's Malayalam film "Kandahar", says he admires the
discipline in southern cinema.
"They may be in different language, but when the camera rolls we are all the same - professional, disciplined and nervous as
hell! I have always admired the sense of discipline in the South, " Amitabh wrote on his blog Saturday.
"Have admired their management qualities and the reverence they show to fellow artists and to the profession. We in the
Western parts of the nation still have a long way to go before we can match up to them in this, but I think that we are getting
"Cinema from the state of Kerala has always been aesthetic and sensitive even in their commercial versions, the literacy
quotient being the highest in the country. Though according to recent analysis other states are catching up, if not surpassing
them, " he added.
Monday, January 10, 2011 14:28 IST