Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has reportedly moved Bombay High Court on Friday as he has appealed against the petition filed
against him and the attachment of his two properties in Mumbai.
It was in December 29th, 2010 when producer Shakeel Noorani had filed a petition against the actor in the Bombay High Court.
The producer had alleged that the actor had failed to report for shooting of the unfinished film Jaan Ki Baazi and despite repeated
requests, the actor had not given dates to the producer.
The producer who had first approached the IMPPA or the Indian Motion Picture Producer's Association had claimed Rs.2.03
crores from the actor as fifty lakh being the signing amount and the rest for the losses that had he had incurred due to the
actor's unavailability.
However, the matter could not be settled under the IMPPA and it was the Bombay High Court that had been approached.
The sheriff had attached two properties of the actor in Mumbai in order to get it auctioned to recover the amount due to the
producer if the actor failed to do so in a month's time.
Now with the appeal filed by the actor, it is being reported that since Sanjay Dutt is not the owner of the office premises located
in the Mayfair building in a suburb in Mumbai, it cannot be attached by the court.
Even the fact that since the actor is not a member of the IMPPA he is not bound by any rules and regulations of the body.
Moreover, the attachment had been executed when the actor was not in town which again has been a point to put forward by
Sanjay Dutt's lawyer.The actor's appeal is to be given a hearing next week according to news reports.
Now with the appeal filed, it remains to be seen what course of action is taken by the authorities in the matter.
Monday, January 10, 2011 14:37 IST