The Deol family of Bollywood is going to offer yet another actor to the industry in the coming days. It is none other than Sunny Deol's son Karan aka Rocky Deol. Bollywood veteran Dharmendra has given two heroes Sunny and Bobby to the industry. Now, Garam Dharam is going to present his grandson to the film industry.
Rocky is following the path of his father, uncle and grandfather, who rocked Bollywood in all these decades. Rocky has already started preparing for his Bollywood debut and is undertaking acting classes in a school run by his dad's friend. That man is none other than director Rahul Rawail, who also launched Sunny in 1983 film Betaab.
Speaking about his plans for his son's launch, Sunny said that he will try to encourage him in all possible ways.
However, he added that his kids have been brought up like any other normal children and they do not have close contact with the film industry's circuit. But his kids are very passionate about films as they have seen their dad and grandfather doing the same throughout these years.
Sunny made it clear that Karan's debut will not be an action film, which has been his genre in these years. The doting dad wants to launch him in an entertaining movie full of romance, youthfulness and comedy.
At the same time, he wants to complete his graduation and then learn film-making to make himself a better actor. We hope, Rocky will also rock the big screen like his father and grandfather!
Monday, January 10, 2011 15:59 IST