Bollywood actress Kangna Ranaut, who worked with Hrithik Roshan in Kites, has reportedly turned down Hrithik's offer to play second lead in Krrish 2. Both Rakesh Roshan and Hrithik have reportedly tried to convince the actress but she elaborated then about her reservations of playing second fiddle.
Priyanka Chopra has been already finalised to play the leading lady in the sequel as she was in the original film too. After Kites, Kangna became friends to Roshans but that was not enough to convince her for the role, which is said to be in the lines of Cat-woman.
A source revealed that Hrithik explained Kangna that the role will give enough scope for action and it was written considering her. But she was strict to her point that she won't play second lead anymore because she has been type cast after playing second lead in Fashion. The actress started receiving offers to play second lead only.
However, Kangna is now enjoying her good time in the industry after playing the lead heroine in Once Upon A Time In Mumbai opposite Ajay Devgn. She is now playing heroine of Madhavan in Tanu Weds Manu.
She is also the female lead of Sanjay Dutt's first home production Rascals and in Game, Kangna will be seen opposite Abhishek Bachchan. After filling her kitty with such big names, Kangna will definitely vouch for lead roles only. So, no one can complaint about it.
However, Rakesh Roshan says that Kangna was never approached for the role and only Priyanka has been finalized.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 12:22 IST