Deepshikha Nagpal's directorial debut Yeh Dooriyan is about a single mother. The film stars Kaishav Arora, Inder Kumar, Kunicka Lal, Ayub Khan, Chitrashi Rawat, Delnaz Paul, Achint Kaur, Rajesh Khera.
Deepshikha has also penned the story and screenplay. The film releases next month.
After a blink-and-miss role in Dabangg, Dev D actress Mahie Gill will be seen in a major role in Utt Pataang. The film also stars Vinay Pathak in a double role, Mona Singh, Saurabh Shukla, Delnaz Paul and Govind
Namdeo. Directed by Srikanth V Velagaleti, the film is slated to release on February 4.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 14:00 IST