About the much-discussed patchup with Shah Rukh Khan Farah says shyly, "We hugged at the awards function. When I went backstage for my mediabytes his van was parked right there. His spotboy saw me and
opened his van's door. So naturally I just popped my head in."
Even earlier at another awards function last week Shah Rukh had invited Farah to meet her backstage.
"That time I couldn't. This time I did, " says Farah.
At the same awards function Farah took her renewed friendship with Sanjay Leela Bhansali (SLB) to another level. They had fallen out during the Friday feud over Saawariya and Om Shanti Om. But had begun the
process of reconciliation last year. At the awards function on Tuesday SLB and Farah got a chance to bond under very peculiar circumstances.
They were both stranded on stage waiting for their awards when, like two shipwrecked soldiers deserted on an island, SLB and Farah stuck up a muffled conversation.
Laughs Farah, "It was really funny. Sanjay, Akshay Kumar and I were called up. Then we stood there for a good twenty minutes while a long audio-visual was shown. Then there were some speeches. Then Akki got his
award and left the stage."
That left SLB and Farah to make the best of one another's company. The two decided to have lunch together later this week.
"Would you believe, Sanjay has still not seen my children?" Farah cribs goodnaturedly.
One wonders whom Farah will patch up with next.
Saroj Khan, maybe?
Friday, January 14, 2011 12:52 IST