Does there have to be a controversy every time Shah Rukh Khan hosts an award function? After the Screen Awards last week, the host called one actress from each decade on stage and interacted with her.
There's a buzz that when Asha Parekh and Zeenat Aman came on stage, inappropriate remarks were made on their anatomy, which apparently offended the senior actresses.
However, Ms Parekh says, "We were not upset at all. We were told before the awards what he was to say and we were happy. There was nothing derogatory in Shah Rukh's remarks." Zeenat adds, "It was all done in
good humour and jest. Shah Rukh was telling me to teach Shahid Kapur how to pout.
There was no animosity or malice behind his comments -- just clean fun. In life, one should be able to laugh at oneself and not take everything so seriously. There were no personal digs or making fun of anybody." So
that's that.
Friday, January 14, 2011 14:40 IST