Sonam Kapoor seems to have had enough of Pankaj Kapoor's shooting style and is ready to bear with him for three more days at max. The miffed actress has not said anything on record but a source states that
Sonam is really furious with the ways the ace actor is working for his debut film Mausam.
Already, last year Shahid Kapoor went on record to say that he is quite distressed with the way his dad Pankaj Kapoor is working.
Shahid is the lead actor in the film and has gone on to state that he has
reached a point with actor-director where he is just doing what Pankaj Kapoor is asking him to. As the main protagonist of the film Mausam even Shasha is utterly confused with his dad's working process.
So while Shahid has no other option but bear with dad Pankaj Kapoor, the leggy actress has now given only three dates to wrap up the work that the director has with her for the film.
It is said that Sonam
had earlier given bulk dates to Pankaj for Mausam but there were instances when she was called for four to five scenes. However, there were times when she was on the set and ended up with no scenes to shoot for or
may be one.
Though the producer of Mausam Sheetal Talwar is blaming the weather for such a mess in the shooting schedule but it is quite apparent that neither of the leads in the film are happy with Pankaj Kapoor's shooting
Monday, January 17, 2011 13:15 IST