Jewellery and cash worth Rs.500,000 ($11,000) have been reported stolen from superstar Shah Rukh
Khan's house here following which police are questioning his domestic employees.
Among those questioned are maidservants, drivers and others responsible for maintaining 'Mannat', the
posh bungalow in Bandra Bandstand where the actor lives. Police refused to say if any of them was
suspected for the robbery.
Police say jewellery and cash worth nearly Rs.500,000 have been stolen between Tuesday and
Wednesday. Police refused to divulge further details but said the case was filed Wednesday
Police suspect the burglary to be an inside job since the actor has hired private security agencies to guard
his house. 'Mannat' is a major landmark due to its impressive façade, which draws a number of bystanders.
Police earlier told reporters that the valuables did not belong to the Khans but to some visitors who were
staying overnight.
Thursday, November 18, 2004 12:11 IST