Priyanka Chopra's spokesperson has denied rumours regarding the actress that have emerged since the Income Tax raid at her residence Monday.
Soon after the Income Tax raid, there were rumours that she has unaccounted assets worth Rs.6 crore. The following day, there was news that the IT officials had found actor Shahid Kapoor at Priyanka's house when
they knocked her door at 7.30 a.m. Monday. But her spokesperson has rubbished the news.
"We deny the many malicious rumours being spread in the media on the basis of some unidentified sources, " Priyanka's spokesperson said in a press statement Thursday.
"We are extending all co-operation to the Income Tax authorities in their ongoing investigations and are restraining ourselves from commenting any further on the issue pending completion of the investigative process, "
added the spokesperson.
The IT officials also raided the respective residence of actress Katrina Kaif and photographer Atul Kasbekar.
Friday, January 28, 2011 12:11 IST