40-year-old Padma Lakshmi, the prominent model of Indian bloodline, who has converted herself into a TV host now, is purportedly facing a custody battle from the Dad of her 11-month-old baby girl, Krishna Thea, with the father being the venture entrepreneur, Adam Dell, who is the brother of the powerful computer mogul, Michael Dell. As per TMZ, Adam has launched documents in a courthouse in New York to garner the visitation rights to witness Krishna.
Adam is, presently, permitted to view the toddler nine days every month as an ingredient of an informal pact that will be operational till February 20 this year when the toddler will become 1 year old. Padma, who is the host of 'Top Chef', has never explicitly confessed the identity of the child's father. She has, purportedly, endeavored to implement a fresh custody deal with Adam, but their discussions collapsed.
Padma's matrimony with the controversial author, Salman Rushdie, had been dissolved in 2007. She publicized her romance with the American billionaire, Teddy Forstmann, in May 2010.
As per a website, the lawsuit has remarked that Adam is the parent, who can be trusted to position Krishna's requirements before his own. Adam has also voiced that Padma has attempted to diminish his role in Krishna's life by indoctrinating Krishna to regard Forstmann as her father.
However, Padma's spokesperson, Christina Papadopoulos, has refuted this allegation, uttering that Padma's solitary objective is to protect the wellbeing and privacy of Krishna by executing a just and friendly pact devoid of the media's attention.
Padma's supporters have stressed that she desires that Adam be a stronger ingredient of Krishna's life and that she plans to heighten his role once Krishna ages a little more.
The People magazine has asserted that Adam's solicitor, Bill Zabel, has remarked that Adam did not yearn to publicize this issue, notwithstanding which a judicial fight is indispensable for him to continue having a meaningful relationship with Krishna
Friday, January 28, 2011 17:49 IST