Bollywood Shahrukh Khan was spared from a PIL against him filed by activist Simpreet Singh for allegedly building some property by extending his bungalow Mannat which was considered to be a heritage building and it was constructed in gross violation of the Coastal Regulation Zone or the CRZ according to the petition.
However the Bombay High court issued a statement citing that the PIL was a completely frivolous one and that it was a complete waste of time for the court officials. Thus in keeping to the rules the petitioner was charged with a cost for wasting the court's precious time.
According to the petition the site where film star Shahrukh Khan had constructed his building was reserved for an Art Gallery thus SRK had flouted the rules.
According to reports the State Government had informed the court that the property had been officially been cleared off as the place reserved for the Art Gallery in 2000 and that SRK had purchased it only in 2003 and the construction was started only in 2006 thus it was not at all against any rules.
Thus, Prima Facie it stands that the petition was only a publicity oriented one and since the court has many important PIL'S to look into which the poor people have filed and are very crucial, such PIL'S as filed by the activist are of no value and would send the wrong signals to the common man. Thus a fine of Rs. 20, 000 was imposed on the petitioner for wasting the court's time.
Monday, January 31, 2011 11:24 IST