Bachchan Jr gets the director duo Abbas-Mustaan to go black
Abhishek Bachchan has achieved the impossible! He made men-in-white director duo Abbas-Mustaan and their brother, editor
Hussain Burmawala wear black for the first time on the sets of Players in New Zealand.
Says a source close to Abhi, "He keeps everyone on the sets of Players buoyed with his liveliness. They're shooting in New
Zealand and the weather recently turned freezing cold.
The crew was given black jackets to wear. And since Abbas, Mustan and Hussain always wear white, they were in a
The dilemma stems from a superstition the brothers believe in that they have had successful films only because they wore
"They were freezing but didn't want to wear black as they thought it might create obstacles for the film.
The director duo has always been fond of AB's Baby. So when they flatly refused to wear the black jackets, the unit went and
told Abhishek that he was the only person who could persuade them."
The actor walked up to the duo with the jackets and asked them to put them on. "Then he oohed and aahed aout them saying
how cool they looked.
He told them that they looked so hot in black that he had decided to change their name from the Men In White to the Men In
Black and White. The Burmawala brothers finally gave in.
Also, they realised that their stubbornness was preventing them from focusing on their shoot."
Thursday, February 03, 2011 13:09 IST