Anil Sharma's much anticipated "Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyon" will have Bobby Deol and Akshay Kumar doing some daredevil action scenes without the help
of duplicates, reports Bollywood Trade.
According to action director Tinnu Verma, there are some precarious stunts in the film that Bobby and Akshay opted to shoot without stuntmen.
One is an arduous rope trolley sequence in the pre-climax portion of the film, shot at Manali between two valleys.
"It was no doubt dangerous but I asked Bobby whether he was willing to shoot it actually and he was game for it. The outcome was extraordinary. Likewise, Akshay has
done some of the most difficult stunts in the film without the use of any duplicate," Varma said.
The climax of the film is shot in Amarnath.
Monday, November 22, 2004 15:38 IST