The actress lists her pick of flicks..
JAWS: I used to get really scared while watching Steven Spielberg's film. It was such an awesome movie. I still recall its trademark music.... when you knew danger would strike and the sharks would attack. How we
kids would just close our eyes when the shark would attack those taking a dip in the sea!
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: This was one more flick that gave me the goosebumps. The slasher film is about a group of youngsters who dreamt about their killings! I liked watching all this horror stuff in my
younger days. No doubt I would be scared but at the same time it was great fun and we loved watching it again and again.
GUEST HOUSE: In this horror flick of the Ramsays there was a chopped hand that makes its presence felt by appearing before the inhabitants of a guest
house. I still have this image of the limb soaked in blood stalking its victims!
UMRAO JAAN: I used to be mesmerised by Rekha in this film. The music, the costumes and the story line " everything was fascinating for me.
SHOLAY: We all grew up mouthing the lines of the various characters from this magnum opus. Its sheer canvas amazed me.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011 12:17 IST