After creating havoc on reality show "Bigg Boss 4", loud-mouthed Dolly Bindra has been roped in to play Kabootari Mai, an overbearing character in Imagine TV's "Armanon ka Balidaan".
The actress will be introduced on the show Feb 15. She will play an extremely loud and dominating woman, who runs a family business of funeral services. Dolly is quite excited about her new show.
"I am totally enjoying playing the character of Kabootari Mai. It is a great show and I hope I can make it even more interesting and intriguing. It is a very strong character and an intrinsic part of the story. I hope the
audience accepts me and supports me as they have done in the past, " Dolly said in a press statement.
Dolly will play a crass mother-in-law, who refuses to accept her son's wife, and is only convinced to do so in lieu of a hefty sum of money. But she still vows to make life hell for her daughter-in-law.
As far as her getup is concerned, the actress will wear a bindi in the shape of a trishul as well as heavy and bold neckpieces for her role.
According to the channel officials, Dolly is the perfect choice for the role - given the over-the-top aura that has been built around her thanks to "Bigg Boss 4".
"We needed a very good actor for this role - someone over-the-top, entertaining and who could make the role spicy. We did have three to four options, but we decided to go with Dolly because she suited it perfectly, "
Saurabh Tewari, head of programming (Fiction), Imagine TV, told.
The channel is also trying to cash in on her recent popularity.
"We would certainly not deny that Dolly had an edge over others because she has been a lot in the news lately. It is definitely an added bonus to the show. She has something about her personality that has stayed on
with viewers and that will help us, " he added
"Armanon ka Balidaan" is a love story with the anti-reservation issue as its backdrop.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011 12:12 IST