Bollywood actors Dia Mirza and Zayed Khan, who have launched their production house Born Free Entertainment, annouced Wednesday that their first film is a romantic comedy titled "Love, Breakups, Zindagi".
Written and directed by their third partner, Sahil Sangha, it will see Cyrus Sahukar, Tisca Chopra, Satyadeep Misra, Pallavi, Vaibhav Talwar and newcomer Auritra Ghosh and Umang in the lead roles.
"With our first production we have put our money where our mouth is. Above all, 'Love, Breakups, Zindagi' is an entertaining look at today's relationships. But it is also absolutely honest about it. It has characters that
will imprint themselves on the hearts and minds of all viewers, " Sangha told reporters here.
Zayed and Dia will also feature in the film.
Talking about their new venture, Dia said: "We sincerely believe that filmmaking is first and foremost about honesty. You need to be honest to your characters as actors, and you need to be honest to the story as a
director. And we believe that we need to be honest to the audiences, delivering exactly what we promise."
Zayed said that their production house will celebrate all kind of talent from anywhere.
"How often have you had a brilliant idea and thought there was no way you could translate that on to the screen? Well, Born Free Entertainment intends to give talented storytellers the opportunity to do exactly that, no
matter what genre, no matter what background they come from."
The film will go on floors in March and is slated to hit screens August this year. Salim and Sulaiman Merchant will compose the music, while Javed Akhtar will pen the lyrics.
Thursday, February 10, 2011 14:54 IST