No One Killed Jessica director, Rajkumar Gupta is caught in a quandary. His next film has only one female lead. Who should he cast -- Rani or Vidya?
Rani Mukherji or Vidya Balan? For director Rajkumar Gupta, the debate has moved from who gave the better performance in No One Killed Jessica, to another one -- who should he cast in his next project?
According to sources, Gupta, who was planning a zany romcom called Rapchik Romance after No One Killed Jessica, has put that on hold. He will now make a dark comedy-thriller called Ghanchakkar, with one male
and one female protagonist.
And that's where Gupta's problems begin. Gupta is torn between casting Mukherji and Balan. The director is in a dilemma since both actresses received equal accolades for No One... and both actors seem to have a
tacit understanding with Gupta that they will be part of his next film.
Says a source, "It's a nightmare. Now that he has decided to make Ghanchakkar, he's caught in a dilemma. Both actors have become close friends. To cast one and not the other is unthinkable." "Gupta has so far sat
on the fence assuming a neutral stance about the calibre and capability of both actors. But if he signs one of them for Ghanchakkar, it will hurt the other."
When asked what he plans to do, Gupta buys time. "I've yet to finish the script. I can decide the cast after that. All I can tell you is that yes, I've decided to make Ghanchakkar next. It's a thriller with elements of
humour and fantasy. I still have time to decide."
Gupta says Ghanchakkar will hit the floor in June. "It's true that the film requires only one female protagonist, " he says. Happy that no one can accuse of him of gender bias, Gupta says, "My first film Aamir had a
male protagonist.
The second, No One Killed Jessica, had two female protagonists. Ghanchakkar has a male and a female protagonist. No one can accuse me of a gender bias this time!"
Sure, but your two favourite actresses could accuse you of favouritism. Unless, of course, one of them decides to go in for a sex change.
Monday, February 14, 2011 13:03 IST