Composing music for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing is just the beginning, believes Sandeep
He has joined up with two musicians from the US - Ricky Gannaway and Jay Oliver - and together they call
themselves AO after an ancient Polynesian word.
"AO is not only beautiful to the ear, but also to the heart. Even more profoundly, it appeals to the heart within
the heart...that sacred and playful refuge within everyone," tells Chowta.
The international reputation of his co-musicians is vast, spanning a list of writing and production credits that
reportedly include the likes of Sheryl Crow and The Eagles.
"I always had this desire to work with people I have admired and that's why I went to the US in search of the
musicians I have grown up on. On my journey I met these great guys and here we are composing the theme
music for the Olympics, which is just the beginning of what is to come," says Chowta with excitement.
The group is working in Chowta's well-equipped studio in Mumbai.
Says Oliver: "We always wanted to collaborate with some Indian talent and Chowta was the perfect talent
who understood our music and we are looking at some great collaboration.
"We are just here and we already ready for a big show in Bangalore where little children will be collaborating."
Their music is a fusion of the West and East. Vocal performances by AO are backed by the voices of
children from every land.
"Children play a vital role in our music and in fact we have some amazing children singing in a choir for us in
Beijing for the Olympics track," reveals Chowta.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:16 IST