Producer-director Sudhir Mishra will direct the two winners of 'Zee India's Best' talent hunt in his next film,
reports Bollywood Trade.
Mishra describes the tentatively titled "Race" as a youthful film. It will go to the floor next year.
A consultant with Zee's film production division, Mishra said the talent hunt had brought several youngsters
with good potential to the fore.
He is also readying for the February release of his ambitious production "Kal - Yesterday And Tomorrow",
directed by his erstwhile assistant Ruchi Narain.
Narain had co-written the screenplay of "Calcutta Mail" and "Hazaron Khwahishen Aisi".
"Ruchi has a great potential as a director and it won't be long before she is recognised in the league of
directors like Aparna Sen. I decided to produce the film the moment I read the script," Mishra said.
But he denied the film's subject resembled Madhur Bhandarkar's "Page Three".
"It has nothing to do with the 'Page Three' circuit of the rich and the famous, nor is it a gossip expose as is
being made out. It is a story of friendship lost and regained with the undercurrent of a thriller," he said.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:19 IST