Akshay Kumar and Shreyas Talpade who are currently shooting for Shirish Kunder's Joker have been bonding on the sets in Chandigarh. They play brothers in the 3 D sci-fi flick.
Though the actors are working together for the first time, both the stars gelled from Day One.
What was a common point of interest was fitness. Shreyas, who is called Bhau, is turning into a health and fitness freak. And the Khiladi has been offering loads of tips on body, health and nutrition.
As Akki does not believe in weight training he has installed an iron bar for doing pull-ups on the sets of Joker.
Says an unit source, "Whenever the actors are not shooting, they hit the iron bars for a quick workout.
The bonhomie is to be seen. Shreyas is getting into the Khiladi mode too! Akshay is providing him guidance which he has started following diligently."
Though Shreyas featured in Om Shanti Om, it was not Farah Khan's influence to have him cast in her hubby Shirish's project too.
As Farah puts it, "Joker is entirely Shirish's work. No one can influence him. The decision to cast Shreyas was his calling. I am just the choreographer for the movie."
Friday, February 25, 2011 12:25 IST