In a fiercely fought finale on Friday night television and film actor Kushal Punjabi emerged winner on NDTV Imagine's controversial reality show Zor Ka Jhatka. Punjabi who has appeared on several other reality shows,
defeated his nearest rival German-Polish model Claudia Ciesla.
Though the water-stunts were shot in Buenos Aires last month the end-game bits of Zor Ka Jhatka finals were shot with anchor Shah Rukh Khan at the Yashraj Studios on Friday evening.
Ciesla was seen on Bigg Boss last year and was seen as the glamorous face of Zor Ka Jhatka.However Kushal was seen to have an edge over all the contestants in terms of agility and control over the tasks allotted to
the contestants.
Minutes after winning Kushal said, "Ah, it feels great to have won.More so, since my closest rival was a lady.I am just so pleased to emerge on top in a competition where the contestants were some notable athletes
as well.
When I agreed to do the show I wasn't aware of who my competitors were.When I reached Buenos Aires I saw what I was up against.Now it feels good to be the winner when the competition is
Monday, February 28, 2011 12:39 IST