Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar reminiscences about the several thunder packed action stunts for his favorite bottle of Thums Up in the latest soft drink campaign-‘Yeh Toofan'.
The communication takes the ‘I will do Anything for my thunder' attitude to the next level, where Akshay is seen, back in thick of action, performing some adrenalin pumping action such as crashing through the window
of an exploding high rise, snatching a Thums Up bottle from jaws of a vicious alligator, taking on a mob of angry gangsters to swimming through strong rapids.
The exhilarating campaign shot in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia attempts to highlight a gripping tale with series of daredevil acts by Akshay Kumar for his bottle of Thums Up.
In his quest for his Thums Up, Akshay uses a combination of bold action and smart thinking to outwit all the challenges, demonstrating the daredevil attitude of a Thums Up lover.
Thums Up Brand Ambassador Akshay Kumar said, "My association with Thums Up over the years has made me do some real exciting action and given me opportunities to push myself and indulge in extreme actions.
"The new campaign is packed with action, adventure and humor, where, I recollect the kind of daredevil stunts I have performed to get my bottle of Thums Up. I am sure my fans will like our new touch in the campaign
and have a lot of fun watching this experience."
Wednesday, March 02, 2011 10:20 IST