Bollywood actor Imran Khan will be seen going ‘Brrr' in the new Coca-Cola soft drink campaign.
Coke's latest communication is based on a spontaneous Brrr expression, an inexplicable and spontaneous feeling of upliftment one derives after sipping an icy cold Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Brrr campaign is designed to serve as the platform for all integrated marketing initiatives for brand Coca-Cola globally.
First in the series of campaigns slated for 2011, the campaign will feature Coca-Cola Brand Ambassador- Imran Khan.
India is one of the first few strategic markets to roll out Coca-Cola Brrrrr campaign following its successful run across 41 markets globally.
Talking about the Brrr Campaign, Avinash Pant, Brand Director- Coca-Cola TMK, said, "Coke Brrr campaign demonstrates the feeling you have when you drink an icy-cold Coca-Cola. You are so refreshed you can't help expressing the uplifting feeling, and that feeling is what we call Coca-Cola's ‘Brrr Effect'.
"We want to spread this ‘Brrr' effect throughout the country and I am sure that this new communication will strike a chord with the Coca-Cola consumers."
Friday, March 04, 2011 19:25 IST