Megastar Amitabh Bachchan Monday started the shoot for his next home production, which has been finally titled "Bbuddah - Hoga Terra Baap", being helmed by southern director Puri Jagannath.
"It's official now. The title of the next AB Corp production will be spelt "BBUDDAH", with the tag line...'hoga terra baap!' (sic)," Amitabh posted on his blog
The actor was busy shooting for Prakash Jha's "Aarakshan" in Bhopal before he came to Mumbai for the first day shoot of his new film.
At one point, it was believed the subject of the film was Buddhist saint Gautam Buddha, as it was earlier titled just "Buddha". So, the film has a special tagline now.
"Just making sure it does not mingle with Gautam Buddha, the saint... Will have more details on it once I join them... but a few thoughts in prayer and wish for the film would be most appreciated," Big B posted
Sunday night.
The funky title is already grabbing eyeballs.
"'Bbuddah - Hoga Tera Baap!'! How cool is that title! 1st day of AB Corps new film... BBUDDAH - hoga Tera baap!!! Starring THE MAN @SrBachchan. He's back and he's angry!!!," posted Abhishek Bachchan.
Shekhar Ravijani of music composer duo Vishal-Shekhar tweeted: "One of the coolest titles ever. Bbuddah- hoga Tera baap starring @SrBachchan."
AB Corp's last Hindi outing was "Paa", which won many awards and critical acclaim for its unique theme and the performances by Big B as a progeria patient, Viday Balan as his mother and Abhishek as his politician
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 11:55 IST