The enterprising duo of Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao, who make their directorial debut in "Lucky - No
Time For Love" for Sohail Khan Productions being presented by T-Series, have been signed by the music
company for their next film as well.
Sources in the industry said the company is planning the film on a big scale and has even confirmed Salman
Khan for it, reports Bollywood Trade.
But Vinay Sapru and Radhika are not talking. "All we can say at this stage is that we are indeed directing a
film for T-Series, which will commence after the release of "Lucky..." As for Salman, he is our mentor and we
would like to work with him in every film that we are doing."
The reticent duo had created a sensation in the music video market with Falguni Pathak's hit music videos.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004 13:48 IST