Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who will perform at the Big Star IMA Awards 2011 Friday, will dance on the songs suggested by his fans.
When the organising team from Reliance Broadcast discussed with him his performance, Abhishek quickly reverted saying, "Let's ask my fan's what they would like to see me dance on!"
Tarun Katial, CEO of Reliance Broadcast Network Ltd says that Abhishek's fans from across the country have sent their suggestions.
"Abhishek has been an absolute sport and his fans across the country from Jammu to Mumbai, have been sending in SMSes in huge numbers. Current hot favourites are songs like 'Beera...' from 'Raavan'. The night of March 11 will see Abhishek dance to the tunes of India, literally, " Katial said in a statement.
Reliance Broadcast Network Ltd in collaboration with Star India and Indian Music Academy is launching this integrated music award property, to recognise talents from all over the country and across every genre of music including Hindustani, Carnatic, folk, ghazal, Sufi and qawwali.
Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:01 IST