Actor Shreyas Talpade, who makes his TV debut with "Comedy Ka Maha Muqabala", is working very hard to make sure that he gives his best on the show where he will be competing with Raveena Tandon, Shekhar
Suman and Arshad Warsi.
The actor is leading the team "Shreyas Chi Mandli" which has stand-up comedian Raju Srivastava, Roshni Chopra, Arhaan Behl and Balraj. He has been busy shooting in Chandigarh for a movie therefore he isn't
getting much time to rehearse with his team.
So he has decided to do it through video conferencing.
"Comedy Ka Maha Muqabala", which goes on air March 19 on Star Plus, will have four teams competing with each other on the stage. Rest of the three teams will be led by Raveena, Shekhar and Arshad.
Raveena's team comprise of Aashka Goradia, Sudesh Lahiri, Parul Yadav and Vibha Bhagat; Arshad's team has Supriya Pilgaonkar, Kuldeep, Nikhil Ratnaparkhi and Ishtiyak Khan; and Shekhar's team consists of
Rashmi Desai, Sunil Grover, Rehman and Sahil Khattar.
Friday, March 11, 2011 11:07 IST