The hotshot Telugu director of Bbuddah the new Amitabh Bachchan starrer, is in a bit of a fix. The Big B's much-discussed look with tinted hair and dyed hair is yet to be finalized, thanks to Prakash Jha's Aarakshan
which the big B is currently shooting in Bhopal.
Not only do the mega-star's two looks for the two films differ there's no way he can move from one to the other effortlessly.
Says a source, "In Bbuddah the Big B needs to look like a defiant rebellious 60-year old man who thinks he's still 22. After much deliberation the director and the star had jointly decided on a particular cool-dude look.
All the details of the look, the Big B's special dyed wig and an imported tint for his beard had been taken care of. "
But then the unexpected happened. The Big B decided to sport a specific look for Aarakshan. He trimmed his beard and hair to a size that he thought suited his character, thereby throwing the look for Bbudaah
completely out of its intended course.
Understandably there is high anxiety on the sets of Bbuddah as the look needs to now be modified according to how the Big B looks for Aarakshan.
Says the source, "In Aarakshan the Big B plays a college professor. His look has been tailored accordingly. But now the look planned for the Big B to play the street-smart dude in Bbuddah is no more applicable
because of the size of his beard and hair for Aarkashan.
So basically the makers of Bbuddah now need to work out a new look for the Big B in accordance with how he looks for Aarakshan. "
The director Puri Jagaannath flew to Bhopal to discuss and possibly devise a new look for the Big B. But so far the Bbuddah team is not sure of what the Big B should look like in the light of his unexpectedly modified
look in Aarakshan.
Everyone on the Bbuddah team has been given the licence to decide on a look for the Big B. Co-producer Abhishek Bachchan too is on the drawing-board trying to work out a look that bridges the gap between how he
looks in Aarakshan and how he was supposed to look in Bbuddah.
Director Puri Jagannath confirms, "It is true. We are yet to decide on Mr Bachchan's look. It now has to be worked around how he looks for Aarakshan. There's little time to decide the look. We start shooting from the
23rd with him. Any suggestions?"
Monday, March 14, 2011 11:46 IST