The shy Jackky Bhagnani and his co-star Pooja Gupta seem to be the latest twosome in tinsel town. Tiresome as it is to hear lead piars of movies being linked together this seems to be the real thing, going by
Jackky's devotion to keeping the 'friendship' away from the promotion of their film together.
But a friend of the young chap spills the beans. Says the friend, "Jackky and Pooja are definitely seeing one another. It started as a hate-hate relationship, like in those corny movies and then grew into a very tender
relationship when they were shooting in Mauritius.
Initially all the four youngsters who were shooting in Mauritus were a wild group. Then it came to a stage where the two of them would steal away from the
group for stolen moments of togetherness. The others would constantly tease them.
Jackky became very very protective of Pooja. He would look out for her every moment. There was a sequence where all
four youngsters had to jump off this massive waterfall in Mauritius. Jackky put his foot down.
He wouldn't let Pooja that that steep plunge. He even had a heated argument with his director Remo Fernandez
about the scene. It was the only time they ever argued. That's when we got to know for sure that Jackky and Pooja are a twosome. "
Back home in Mumbai the pair continues to let their relationship grow.
When questioned about it Jackky tries to laugh off the romantic liaison (hope he's a better actor on screen).
"Let's just say Pooja and I are very close friends. Beyond that I leave it you to draw your own conclusions. "
When probed further Jackky opens up , "At first Pooja and I were at loggerheads. She thought I had an attitude because I was the producer's spoilt son. I thught she had an attitude because she was Miss India and all
As shooting progressed in Mauritius we came close...We partied really hard together. We realized we were not the persons we thought each other to be.
About the waterfall scene you
mention, it's is one of steepest waterfalls in the world. Mr Bachchan and others have jumped down from it, but with a harness. We boys decided to take the plunge without harnesses. How could Pooja do that?"
When asked if this friendship is not a gimmick to promote their new film Jackky replies, "Not at all. I don't even want to discuss Pooja. When have you last seen a film do well just because the lead pair is linked
Asked about the future of their relationship Jackky says, "We are both young and starting out in our careers. Who can predict what will happen tomorrow?"
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 13:09 IST