Shah Rukh Khan meets India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a special session today in Delhi, just before the two-day event begins.
Says a source, "SRK, who is known for his tardiness, will make an exception by arriving early so he can have a personal interaction with the PM and get clicked with him.
He will then be invited on stage to ask a question to Singh after the PM delivers the keynote address."
Me, too
After the inaugural address is over Shah Rukh himself will be the key speaker on The Arts Dialogue (session chairperson is actress and TV host Koel Purie Rinchet) where he will talk on movies, life and making movies
work in a brand new decade, followed by a Q & A interactive session with the audience.
The source adds that prominent leaders from various fields of politics, sports, entertainment, arts, culture and socio-economic areas in India and across the globe are invited for the enclave.
Shah Rukh on Facebook, officially
The official page of Shah Rukh Khan is being launched on Facebook. The URL is This channel is primarily for the fans of Shah Rukh Khan. He will reach out to them with live streaming of
events, live chat, special contests. It will also provide songs, interviews, clips and games.
Friday, March 18, 2011 11:59 IST