Remember Kushan Nandy, the estranged son of Pritish Nandy who had last produced and directed an
intriguing thriller "88 Antop Hill"? Well, Kushan is now ready with his next film "Humdum", which his
associate Himanshu Pathak defines as an emotional entertainer.
The film is scheduled for a Jan 20 release, reports Bollywood Trade.
Pathak says the film will introduce two promising newcomers from the advertising world -- Romit Raaj, who is
a popular face in advertising and was last seen in the HDFC ad, and Anjana Sukhani, the girl with Aamir
Khan in the 'paanch' Coke ad.
The bigger USP of the film however is the fact that it will portray a reality-based game show for the first time
on the big screen. "The story itself is based on the game show and what transpires behind the scenes," says
Friday, December 03, 2004 13:21 IST