Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, a big fan of Hugh Jackman, Friday said the Australian star's "X-Men" series inspired him to make sci-fi superhero movie "Ra. One".
"I wanted to do something different for the kids, so I watched all the 'X-Men' movies, cartoons, read comics and honestly the 'X-Men' series inspired me to do 'Ra. One', " Shah Rukh said at the closing session of the
12th FICCI-Frames where he shared the stage with Jackman.
The two stars had an engrossing session on the mutual influence of the two film industries - Hollywood and Bollywood, and the prospect of studio culture.
Asked about his Hollywood aspirations, Shah Rukh said: "I truly believe that I should do what I want to do. . . make that one film the world would ever remember me for. That's my dream. We have lovely stories here. I
have been offered quite a few films by Hollywood filmmakers and would surely do one if Hugh ask me to do. " (Laughs).
The session was moderated by producer-director Karan Johar.
Monday, March 28, 2011 12:53 IST