Delhi Belly director has no issues with the actor, unlike his predecessors
While Amol Gupte and Anusha Rizvi were reported to have had creative differences with Aamir Khan during the making of Taare Zameen Par and Peepli Live! respectively, Abhinay Deo, the director of Khan's new film,
Delhi Belly, seems to be getting along just fine with the actor.
Not just that, Deo is even involved with the release and marketing of the film. Gupte, who wrote Taare Zaamen Par, alleged that Khan ousted him as the director of the film, and Rizvi was unhappy with the publicity
overdrive that Khan ensured for the film.
Deo, however is thrilled with the support he has received from Khan. Although Delhi Belly was completed a while ago, and Deo's next film Game is ready for release, Khan has kept the director in the loop.
Just a month ago Khan called Deo about a song that he thought should be added to the film. Deo says, "Aamir and I are sorry to disappoint those who were looking for fireworks between us. I've been in the loop
throughout the post-production of Delhi Belly. I even cut the first teaser trailer. Aamir and I know the truth about our rapport. People can say what they like. "
About the song that is going to be added to the film, Deo says, "Aamir and I had decided to shoot an extra song. But, until now, we never got around to shooting it. "
Monday, March 28, 2011 15:12 IST