Actress Seema Rehmani, who was seen in films like "Sins" and "Loins of Punjab Presents", is upbeat about the new, upcoming season of NDTV Good Times' pet show "Heavy Petting".
"I am thrilled to be back as the host of this show - a show strictly for pets and pet lovers, made by a dedicated bunch of pet lovers.
We also hope to help audiences with important information, helpful advice and the like - things pet owners or pet parents, as we like to call them on the show, will find useful to have at hand, " said Seema, who has been associated with the show since the first season.
Seema will travel around the country, visiting canine and feline gatherings, pet fairs, outings and events in the new season, to go on air Thursday.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 12:11 IST