Producers of the upcoming Bollywood flick 'Dum Maro Dum' have been served show-cause notices by the Panaji bench of the Bombay High Court seeking explanation on why the movie's release should not be banned.
The bench presided over by Justice S C Dhamadhikari and Justice F M Reis have asked the production units Ramesh Sippy Entertainment, Fox Star Studios and Cheyenee Enterprises and the Government of Goa to reply to the notices on April 13.
The notices were issued after the admission of the petition filed by journalist Savio Rodrigues that contended the movie highlights Goa in a poor light.
Rodrigues, a Mumbai-based journalist, contended in his petition that the screening should be stayed as the movie showcases Goa as a hub of sex, drugs and easy availability of women.
Ever since the film's promos have hit the theaters and small screens, the movie has been embroiled in controversy for blemishing Goa's image.
The petitioner claimed that film would attract wrong doers in the state by depicting Goa full of illegal activities. The division bench will hear the petition before admission on Thursday.
Friday, April 08, 2011 13:16 IST