Indian actress Frieda Pinto, who shot to worldwide fame after starring in the multi-Oscar winning film "Slumdog Millionaire", has been quietly shooting in Mumbai for her next film "Trishna".
Although the shooting has been on for one week, the information was kept under wraps.
"We didn't want too much attention while shooting for the film. . . so it was done guerrilla style and not too many people knew about it, " a source from the unit told.
The film is an adaptation of Thomas Hardy's classic novel "Tess of d'Urbervilles". It is being directed by Michel Winterbottom and co-produced by Anurag Kashyap, Guneet Monga and Sunil Bohra.
"Trishna" has been shot in different parts of Rajasthan while some scenes have been shot in Mumbai.
The film also stars British rapper Riz Ahmed, who acted in "The Road To Guantanamo", "Shifty" and "Four Lions".
Monday, April 18, 2011 12:05 IST