After its Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and English versions, Vikram Bhatt's upcoming 3D horror movie "Haunted 3D" will now be dubbed in Spanish! Mithun Chakraborty's son Mahakshay Chakraborty, better known as Mimoh,
and Tia Bajpai play the main leads in it.
Bhatt decided to have a Spanish version following market research which suggested that there is a huge demand for horror films in the Spanish and Latin American belt. Though he had initially decided to work with
Spanish subtitles, he realised it would be tough to manage them in a 3D film, said a source.
The director will fly to Toronto in May to choose the dubbing artistes for the Spanish version.
"I want the voices in Spanish to match with the original voices of my actors," said Bhatt.
The dubbed Spanish version will release two months after the Hindi release May 6.
Thursday, April 21, 2011 12:14 IST