Television tsarina Ekta Kapoor is bringing two of her favourite actors - Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar - together on the small screen. They have been paired up for an unusual love story "Bade Acche Laggte Hain", to
be aired on Sony TV.
Sakshi, who became popular as Parvati Agarwal of "Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii" and Ram, who earned fame as Jai Walia of "Kasamh Se", will be seen in this story of two strangers.
While Sakshi plays a 30-plus, happy go lucky woman, Ram essays a 40-year-old ruthless entrepreneur. What happens when the two cross each other's paths, and can two strangers make a perfect love story, form
the rest of the story.
The show will go on air towards May end.
Friday, April 22, 2011 13:32 IST