Imagine being caught during Ramanavmi in Orchha. Known as the city of Rama temples, the small pilgrims' paradise in Madhya Pradesh for Rama bhakts went ballistic for Ramanavmi bringing the shooting of Roland
Joffe's Singularity to a grinding halt.
Barely able to move out of her accommodation (no 5-star hotels for miles in Orchha) Bipsha said from Orchha "The city has come alive suddenly. Throbbing with life. There's no space to walk let alone shoot. We've no
choice but to stop shooting. "
Ironically international star Josh Hartnett went unnoticed in Orchha while his co-star Bipasha who needs beefed-up security in the holy town, had to hide from pilgrims who had assembled in Orchha from all over the
Monday, April 25, 2011 12:45 IST