Hyderabad-based designer Ganesh Nallari will now be called Ganesh Abhimanyu Nallari. Abhimanyu is the name of the abused character based on Nallari in Onir's film I Am Abhimanyu.
Gay filmmaker Onir's outstanding film on marginal people I Am has a segment devoted to portraying the trauma of an abused child Abhimanyu, played by Sanjay Suri.
The character is based on Hyderabad fashion designer Ganesh Nallari who recently saw the film. So moved was the designer on seeing his life come to cinematic fruition that he has altered his name.
Nallari will now be known as Abhimanyu the name of the character on Onir's film.
Speaking on the way the film has changed Nallari's life beyond recognition Onir says, "Ganesh Nallari will now officially be known as Ganesh Abhimanyu Nallari. It was his decision.
I was shaking with fear
when I showed the film to Ganesh. On his response depended my own faith in what I've attempted. Ganesh says the film has helped him get his identity back. He has now embraced ‘Abhimanyu' as part of his
persona. "
But it's not just the name that has changed for Nallari. His life has been radically transformed. After seeing the film he came out clean in front of his parents for the first time about the abuse he had gone through as a
Says Onir, "After the film Ganesh finally told his parents what he had suffered. It feels wonderful to know that somewhere my film has liberated a character who inspired one of the stories in my film. Ganesh's journey
into self-realization began when he rang me up to tell me a close male relative was dying. "
The male relative turned out to be the man who had sexually abused Ganesh. That's how the story Abhimanyu was born. Sanjay Suri plays the abused child who grows up to be a sexually and emotionally confused
character. Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap plays the abusive uncle.
"Without Anurag the story couldn't have been told. No one else was willing to play a man who abuses a child. Anurag agreed reasoning that someone had to do the dirty job, " says Onir gratefully.
On contacted Ganesh Nallari says, "Yes, Abhimanyu is based on my experiences I shared with Onir. The emotion behind my self acceptance and forgiveness.
My abuser passed away early last year, that was when I poured my heart to Onir...
Initially I was a little apprehensive about talking about it openly, but I realize that if I want a CHANGE... I need to be the CHANGE... and glad Onir conveyed the message with utmost sensitivity.
I was
conscious about my personal and professional lives converging, but again its the creative professional life which gave me the strength to overcome my abuse. I painted and danced all through my abuse.
After watching the movie at Onir's office I was reassured that I have to talk and stand for the cause and not let the darkest secret of my life die within... Yes!
Awareness matters!!And not to forget, though
none from my family knew about my abuse, my parents have always been fabulous and supportive all my life.
It was during the preview in Hyderabad that someone in the crowd addressed me as
Abhimanyu and I responded subconsciously... It's "Ganesh Nallari" (my creative side) which gave all the strength to stand for "Ganesh Abhimanyu Nallari" and today Abhimanyu is not just a survivor, he is a conqueror!"
Friday, April 29, 2011 13:16 IST