The Indian Premier League (IPL), in all its four editions, has turned out to be a marriage of cricket and glamour. On Saturday, Bollywood heartthrob Priyanka Chopra was at the Eden Gardens here to watch the Kolkata
Knight Riders (KKR)- Kings XI Punjab match.
Priyanka was seen enjoying every moment of the action, sitting beside KKR co-owner and megastar Shah Rukh Khan.
She applauded every stroke but seen most happy when KKR got wickets. "Oh, I am really enjoying the game. KKR is doing great, " she said.
On a high after KKR got success in previous game, Shah Rukh said, "We have regained the momentum. We are performing much better this year. We will surely do well."
Monday, May 02, 2011 13:32 IST