The actress lists her pick of flicks...
Les Enfants Du PARADISE: Directed by Marcel Carne, it's a 1950s black and white French film. The movie is about a theatre actress who is in love with a mime artist. It inspired me to do theatre. The
woman's character was very fascinating. I thought I was her. It's one of those films that affected my life.
Hook: One of the films I loved and watched over and over as a kid was Steven Spielberg's Hook, which is a version of Peter Pan, with Julia Roberts in it. I wanted to be Tinkerbell!
Salaam Bombay: I was very impressed with Salaam Bombay. The movie was done in such a simple way and through the eyes of these young kids. I was like 'wow!'. People of my age are going through all
this. It was a revelation.
Bandit Queen: I saw some hardcore films when I was a kid. My parents used to watch a lot of heavy stuff. I remember watching Bandit Queen as a child. I didn't speak Hindi at that time so I watched it with
subtitles. What a film and that woman!
Never Ending Story: I loved the German fantasy film Never Ending Story. I had seen it so many times that I knew it backwards. I knew all the lines.
Monday, May 09, 2011 12:25 IST