Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu Thursday denied she has ever talked with former Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh on the phone, following a controversy over an alleged taped conversation between the two.
"I have been besieged with calls from the media seeking my reaction to the publication of the tapes containing the alleged telephone conversation between Amar Singh and me. I have since heard the clip on the
internet. I have never had any conversation with Amar Singh over the phone ever, " Bipasha said in a statement.
The 32-year-old has rejected reports that she is the woman in the tapes whose transcripts were barred from being published in media until now. But after the Supreme Court lifted the ban Wednesday, the conversation
surfaced in a daily Thursday.
"The voice in the recording is certainly not mine. I dare say that my voice has distinct characteristics and the voice on the tape is completely different. Nothing could be farther from the truth, " she added.
The Bengali beauty even took to micro-blogging site Twitter to clarify her stance over the issue. She is also upset with the daily that published the news without any attempt to clarify it with her.
She said it was "appalling" that the newspaper published the transcript "under the heading 'Age Matters Between The Legs: Amar Singh to Bips' without making any effort to verify with me whether the voice in question
was mine. This is irresponsible, mischievous reporting and is defamatory, to say the least".
Friday, May 13, 2011 13:33 IST