Actress Bipasha Basu, currently in the midst of a controversy over her alleged conversation with former Samajwadi Party leader
Amar Singh, has found support from Celina Jaitley.
Celina says she is confident that Bipasha is not in the controversial tape.
"I wld lk 2 stand up 4 Bipasha ..I hrd the tape n I DO NOT believe its her AT ALL! have known Bips since KOLKATA days the
voice is NOT hers (sic)," Celina posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Bipasha grabbed headlines when transcripts of some of Amar Singh's tapes which were barred from being published in media
until now, surfaced Thursday. The actress has denied her involvement, and says she has been pulled into it unnecessarily.
"The voice in the recording is certainly not mine. I dare say that my voice has distinct characteristics and the voice on the tape is
completely different. Nothing could be farther from the truth," Bipasha said in a press statement Thursday.
She also added that she has never ever had a telephonic conversation with Singh.
Friday, May 13, 2011 18:26 IST