Janmashtami may still be far away, but model-turned-actor Rajniesh Duggal recently shot a "Dahi Handi" sequence for a song in Rajiv Ruia's 3-D animation-cum-live action film "Main Krishna Hoon".
Dahi Handi is a popular sport associated with Janmashtami in and around Mumbai, and choreographer Ganesh Acharya has captured the colourful spirit of the festival in the song, sung by Javed Ali.
Rajniesh, a devotee of lord Krishna, had no reason to say no to the song, even if it was just a cameo. He says he had a great time shooting for it.
"Our 'isht dev' is Krishnaji and the minute I heard the song I decided to do it. I had a blast, the energy on the song takes you to a different level," Rajniesh said in a press statement.
"I had to undergo rigorous rehearsal for four days with Ganesh Acharya before the shooting of the song. With Ganesh Acharya as the choreographer, I knew the moves would be a lot of fun and high energy," added the
actor, who has earlier featured in films like "1920" and "Phhir".
The children's film, produced by Nandan Mahto, also has cameos by Hrithik Roshan, Katrina Kaif and Juhi Chawla.
Monday, May 16, 2011 11:49 IST